“Spiritual formation is integral to Christian higher education. It is the biblically-guided process in which people are being transformed into the likeness of Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit within the faith community in order to love and serve God and others." The Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU)
What does it look like to grow in your Christian faith as a Malone student?
At Malone, all faculty and staff members are dedicated to the spiritual well-being of students, but it is the primary focus of the Office of Spiritual Formation.
The OSF is on the 2nd floor of the Randall Campus Center (Barn). We help students to process everyday life and Christian faith through conversation or mentoring. We also create spaces of worship and learning for students to grow in their relationship with God and others. You can find everyday spiritual growth resources here.

“Linda has been working with Malone students since the 90's. She holds a Doctor of Ministry degree from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and is an ordained pastor with the Presbyterian Church (USA). She is also certified as a Christian Spiritual Director. The job she loves most is being mom to her two young adult kids. On campus, Linda likes to teach, mentor students, and lead small groups. She's an introvert posing as an extrovert and an Enneagram 1w2. Give her some free time and she'll most likely kayak, read, watch movies, or hang out with her dog Kona.”

“Andrew is Malone’s Assistant Director of Spiritual Formation. It was here at Malone that Andrew had a deeply transformative experience in Christ, and He is passionate about helping students and staff develop deep roots in Jesus during their time here. Prior to being on staff, Andrew spent 18 years in church leadership (worship leading, pastoral care, spiritual formation). He has a Bachelor’s and Master’s from Malone (2006 and 2013), and is currently studying to be a certified spiritual director. Andrew is married to Emily and they have two children and a cockapoo. In his free time he enjoys reading, vinyls, tea, running, Cleveland Guardians baseball, and making music.”