Cristina Foster, M.Ed., LPSC
Before becoming a school counselor, I was a high school Social Studies teacher. I have been in the field of Education for over 20 years either as a teacher, mentor, speaker, career counselor, and school counselor. I earned my Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education from Kent State University in 2006 and Master of Science in School Counseling from the University of Akron in 2011.
The field of School Counseling is a true passion of mine. I currently sit on the Ohio School Counselor Association Board of Directors. Through this position, I can advocate and support all Ohio school counselors. I am a volunteer on the ASCA National RAMP Review Team. Through this position, I get to evaluate comprehensive school counseling programs across the US and possibly award them RAMP recognition.
In recent years, I have presented at the All Ohio Counselor Conference on the following topics:
School Counseling Program Advocacy 101, upcoming Fall 2022
RAMPing for Advocacy, Fall 2021
What You Really Need to Know About High School Counseling, Fall 2021
Malone College courses I have taught:
Human Growth and Development (COUN 549): ONLINE