University of Akron - department of communication, instructor of communication courses, (2002-2007)
Malone University - management studies, instructor of composition, communication, fine arts, faith and worldviews, business management courses (2004-current)
Division of Business and Technologies Director (2020-current)
“Metaphorical Frameworks for Reframing Academic Praxis: On Gardens and Cathedrals” in Christian Higher Education: An International Journal of Research, Theory, and Practice —accepted for publication. DOI:10.1080/15363759.2019.1687049 (Online January 2020, hard copy June 2020.)
“Re-storying Life as a Means of Critical Reflection: The Power of Narrative Learning.” Christian Higher Education 4 (3), 116-126. DOI:10.1080/15363759.2015.1028580. (June, 2015).
“Transformational Learning: Reflections of an Adult Learner.” Adult Learning 26 (2), 84-86. DOI: 10.1177/1045159515573017. (May, 2015)
“The Courage to Teach: From the Inside Out.” The Journal of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Christian Higher Education 6 (1), 11-17. (April, 2013)
Assessing Christian-Faith and Cognitive-Development in College Students: CFCDS Instrument Development. Doctoral Dissertation: (2013, available on PRO Quest: 1459495299)
“Women’s Speaking Justified: Quaker Women in the Public Sphere.” Quaker Higher Education, 7(2), 18-27. (November, 2013).
“Integrating a Biblical Worldview and Developing Online Courses for the Adult Learner.” Christian Scholar’s Review XLI (2), 163-73. (Winter, 2012), with Dr. Mary Quinn and Dr. Michele Williams
AAACE Conference (Myrtle Beach, October, 2018): “Developing and Migrating Courses: Online/Hybrid Adult Learning Course Best Practices”
SOTL Conference (Tiffin University, May, 2018): “Best Practices for Developing and Migrating to Online/Hybrid Platform” (co-presented with Dr. Michele Williams)
CAEL Conference (Baltimore, 2015): “Online Service Learning in an Adult Learning Program”
Friends Malone Symposium (Malone University, July, 2015): “Women’s Speaking Justified Quaker Women in the Public Sphere”
FAHEA Conference (Malone University, 2013): "Women's Speaking Justified Quaker Women in the Public Sphere"
ACBSP National Conference (Salt Lake City, 2013): "Teaching Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility: Service Learning in an Adult Learning Degree Completion Program"
ACBSP Region 4 Conference (Chicago, 2012): "Teaching Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility: Service Learning in an Adult Learning Degree Completion Program"
Council for Christian Colleges and Universities Center for Research in Adult Learning Conference on Service Learning (Indianapolis, 2011): "Service Learning in an Accelerated Management Program" (co-presented with Mary Quinn)
CAHEA Conference (Oklahoma City, 2010): "Integrating a Biblical Worldview and Developing Online Courses for the Adult Learner" (co-presented with Michele Williams)
Teaching Assignments
Capstone in Critical Thinking
Creative Problem Solving
Faith and Worldviews
Prior Learning Assessment
Business Communication
Capstone in Liberal Arts
College Experience
Writing Skills Workshop
English Composition
Contact Info
Laura Foote
Director of Non-Traditional and Graduate Business Programs; Director of Faculty Development; Professor of Business