The Department of Bible, Theology, & Ministry is committed to guiding you into a deeper understanding of the Christian faith, God's Word, and of what it means to be a part of Christ’s kingdom in these times.
We believe the study of theology is not just for future ministers, but for all who desire to ask, and to attempt to answer, the great questions of human life and Christian faith. As a Christian university, Malone provides the ideal environment to take up these important questions.
Where will your calling lead you?
Malone’s theology programs offer a wide range of opportunities for you to craft the kind of ministry that speaks to your calling. Do you seek to pastor a congregation? Are you inspired by the growing fields of youth, music, and educational ministry? Is biblical scholarship of interest to you?
Our renowned faculty are deeply committed to helping you find your path and strengthen your voice to communicate the Gospel in creative, relevant ways that engage today’s audiences.
At Malone, theology is at the heart of who we are as a university. Through our major and minor degree programs, as well as our valuable internships and active student organizations, you will surely find answers about how God is calling you to serve.
Program distinctives
Why choose the Department of Bible, Theology, & Ministry at Malone University? We're so glad you asked!
- Much of your learning will be hands-on experience through a church or parachurch setting.
- Internship requirements are a vital part of this program.
- In Malone's program, our professors come from a variety of faith traditions. As a student, you'll study and hopefully gain an appreciation for all of the Christian faith traditions.
- You will plan ministry events, such as a camp or a youth conference.
- Each year, students preach in Community Worship and have numerous opportunities for experiential ministry.
- Malone University houses the Center for Christian Faith & Culture, which exists to support and strengthen Christian communities in Northeast Ohio by providing ongoing training and leadership development, serving as a source for critical news, ideas and best practices, and facilitating increased cooperation among area churches and other key institutions.

Alumni Spotlight
“Malone equipped me for ministry in so many ways and I am so grateful for the time I spent there. My ministry classes helped prepare me for the practical aspects of ministry and I was equipped for full-time ministry before I graduated because of opportunities I had to serve on campus and the relationships I built with faculty, staff, and other students. These relationships equipped me for this work because they poured into me spiritually and challenged me to think deeper about my faith and walk with God. You don’t get that everywhere and I am beyond blessed to have met so many great people at Malone.”