Department Highlights

Department of Nursing

Educating our future healthcare professionals

The Department of Nursing welcomes students who are looking to make a lasting impact in the world of healthcare. It is our goal to provide both undergraduate and graduate degree programs that incorporate Christian values and high-level training to those who wish to dedicate their careers towards caring for others. Our programs will prepare students to work in a variety of healthcare settings and will also prepare them to adjust to the changes that are consistently being made in the field.

Why study in the Department of Nursing?

  • Our programs are all centered around Christian principles that allow our students to practice with love, kindness, and understanding.
  • We provide our students with high-quality learning experiences and resources to enhance their education.
  • Our curriculum includes many hands-on opportunities and we have set up the progression of courses to include clinicals and internships early on so students are well-prepared come graduation.
  • Faculty interact with students on an individual level to provide them with the assistance and guidance they need to succeed.
  • Passing rates for board licensure and certifications are a direct reflection of the quality education students receive from this department.
  • We hold a reputation in the local area and beyond that allows ours students to have great success in job placement post-graduation.

Nursing at Malone

The nursing department offers a range of programs to meet the needs of any student. Whether you are a traditional undergraduate student, an adult learner, or a master's student, our department has the program to accommodate you and your schedule. We are known for our holistic approach in educating nurses and they are immediately sought out by health care organizations locally and beyond. 

Our nurses are taught from day one how to care for people with professional competence and Christ-like compassion. You will learn how to integrate your Christian values, ethics, and caring qualities in such a way that your values are maintained while also respecting the rights and dignity of patients with varying physiological, psychological, sociocultural, developmental, and spiritual needs. 

Our Programs

Nursing, BSN

This program is for traditional undergraduate students who are looking to major in nursing. In this major, students will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to pursue a career as a nurse in the healthcare setting. 

Nursing, BSN – Accelerated Track

This program follows the same curriculum as the traditional track, but can be completed in as little as five semesters once required support courses are completed. This is ideal for transfer students, those with CCP credits, or those seeking a second bachelor’s degree.

Nursing hooding

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) / Post-graduate Certificate (FNP)

This program is for nurses who are looking to advance their nursing careers by becoming nurse practitioners or obtaining an additional certification.

Spring 2023

Trauma Simulation

During the spring semester, the senior nursing critical care course (N412/N414) hosted a Trauma Simulation activity. In the trauma scenario, the simulated patient was a 25-year-old athlete who suffered…