Nov. 6 Church Leaders Lunch with Prof. Nadya Williams

BCC 11:30 to 1:00
We welcome pastors and church leaders to join us for a free lunch and time of fellowship as we learn from Prof. Nadya Williams about her new IVP book on the Imago Dei.

Dr. Nadya Williams: Mothers, Children, and the Body Politic: Why the Imago Dei Makes a Difference

The past few years have seen an escalation in post-Christian rhetoric that denigrates motherhood and children as useless and unnecessary. Such views on life echo the utilitarian pre-Christian pagan views of mothers, children, and persons. But the imago Dei--the extraordinary idea that every human being is a precious image-bearer of God--gives us hope and answers for the present, just as it did for believers in the past.

Nadya Williams is the author of Cultural Christians in the Early Church (Zondervan Academic, 2023), Mothers, Children, and the Body Politic: Ancient Christianity and the Recovery of Human Dignity (forthcoming, IVP Academic, 2024), and Christians Reading Pagans (forthcoming, Zondervan Academic, 2025). She is Managing Editor for Current, where she also edits The Arena blog, and Contributing Editor for Providence Magazine and Front Porch Republic.


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