Instrumental Groups

Symphonic Band

The Malone University Symphonic Band meets during the spring semester and performs concerts in February and April. The ensemble consists of music and non-music majors, and performs standard and contemporary literature of the wind band, orchestral transcriptions, and popular music from radio and television. Membership is gained through audition; scholarships are also available through audition.

Brass Ensemble

Brass Ensemble has flexible instrumentation, and rehearses literature in a variety of styles. They perform on campus, and at church and community events in the Canton area. Students who wish to participate in the Brass Ensemble are also required to participate in the Symphonic Band.

Jazz Ensemble

The Malone University Jazz Ensemble, is a big band consisting of saxophones, trumpets, trombones, and rhythm section. They rehearse year-round and perform concerts on campus and throughout the community. Their repertoire includes swing, Latin, funk, rhythm & blues, rock, fusion, and contemporary Christian.

Piano Ensemble

The Piano Ensemble studies and performs music written for piano duet (four hands at one piano) and music written for piano duo (two pianos with one performer at each piano). The repertoire is chosen from a wide variety of styles including music from the classical, pop and sacred genres. Students rehearse in the piano lab as well as in the piano studios. Members of the Piano Ensemble have typically performed in departmental recitals and have been an important component of the Malone University Piano Extravaganzas.

Flute Ensemble

This chamber ensemble performs without a conductor, giving students a true chamber music experience. It utilizes four different instruments in the flute family, including the piccolo, alto flute and bass flute. The repertoire includes a variety of musical styles, from classical arrangements to popular tunes and holiday music. Students who wish to participate in the Flute Ensemble are also required to take Applied Flute lessons.


Electro-Acoustic Ensemble

Offered each semester, the Electro-Acoustic Ensemble is a flexible ensemble consisting of electronic and acoustic instruments. Performances will be created using computer and/or hardware based sequencing in conjunction with live performances. A variety of styles will be performed with an emphasis on popular music.

Percussion Ensemble

Percussion Ensemble is a flexible ensemble of instruments performing a variety of works from the literature, chosen based on the proficiency of the participants. The group performs one concert per semester and is directed by Mr. Scott Thomas. Offered at departmental discretion.