Accessibility Services

The Center for Student Success offers Accessibility Services for registered students who have qualifying disabilities so that they may take full advantage of their educational opportunities.

Looking to register with our Accessibility Office? Start by clicking the button below:

new student Request for Accommodations

Returning Students Accommodation Renewal

Helpful Hints

  • Know what areas of college life the disability affects; there are many accommodations the student may be eligible for if they ask.
  • The student should know their strengths. It is important to draw from areas which are the strongest.
  • The more information provided, the better Accessibility Services will be able to serve the student.

Housing Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

Students with disabilities are welcome and encouraged to live in university housing. Malone University values the contributions all students make in our communities, and we seek to provide accessible housing to meet the needs of everyone. Appropriate comprehensive disability documentation must be on file in order to be approved for housing accommodations. Students will be notified if additional information is required.

Click the link below for the housing accommodation form:


Accessibility Accommodations

We want to help you participate fully in academic and student life!

Q & A for Faculty

Answers to accommodating students with specific needs in the classroom.

Rights & Responsibilities

What students and faculty need to know about their rights and responsibilities.