Interested in Becoming Peer Tutor?
Tutoring schedules are flexible: Typical peer tutoring sessions last about one to two hours so they can be easily arranged during those gaps in your schedule when you don’t have enough time to go to a traditional, off-campus job. Tutors can set up a regular time to meet with each tutee each week or they can agree to set up appointments that could vary from week to week as needed.
Tutoring looks good on your résumé and builds relationships with instructors: Tutoring in your area will give you experience related to your career field because people tend to understand subjects better when they are teaching others. Peer tutoring on your resumé shows that you are willing to mentor others which may give you an advantage when applying for jobs. Often, people are asked to provide references when applying for jobs. With tutoring, you will connect with people that you can later use as job references including professors and administrators.
Tutoring can supplement your income: Malone University peer tutors are paid $11 per hour. There are not many local jobs that will pay a competitive wage while allowing you to choose your own schedule.
Tutoring can be rewarding: In addition to earning little extra cash, tutoring can give you the satisfaction of making a difference in someone else’s life. As little as an hour of your time each week can help another student enough that they can earn a passing grade and advance in their program area. You may even end up with a new friend as well!
Maintain subject knowledge: Helping others can keep the information fresh in your head and even deepen your understanding of a subject area. In order to teach the subject to someone else, you need to break it down into smaller, easier to understand chunks which gives you a greater mastery of the material. Tutoring others in your program area can help you retain information that may show up later on a cumulative exam such as the NCLEX exam for nurses.
- Eligible for work on campus as determined by the Student Employment Office
- Maintain an overall GPA of 3.0 (B) or above with a course grade of 3.33 (B+) or above for any course you plan to tutor
- Attend 10 hours of mandatory tutor training during your first two semesters of tutoring (this can be accomplished over one or two semesters).
- Commit to working a minimum of five hours per week as needed (this may include group and/or individual tutoring based upon student demand)
- Excellent verbal, written, and interpersonal communication skills.
- Send the reference form to a faculty member for them to complete and return to the Director of Academic Support.
- Contact Kaylyn Jones