Friends Churches and Meetings
Friends in North America generally worship in churches with pastors (programmed worship) or in silent, "unprogrammed" meetings.
While some meetings are part of the following of independent yearly meetings, most local Friends' meetings in North America are affiliated with one of the following branches of Quakerism: (Descriptions provided are generalizations)
- Listing of churches and meetings in North America
- Listing of churches and meetings in the United States and Worldwide
Friends Worship
Conservative Meetings
Unprogrammed worship, non-pastoral, conservative, silent worship tradition.
Evangelical Friends International affiliated
Programmed, pastoral, evangelical worship tradition
3350 Reed St.
Wheat Ridge, Colo. 80033
Friends General Conference affiliated
Unprogrammed, non-pastoral, silent worship tradition
1216 Arch St. 2B
Philadelphia, Penn. 19107
Friends United Meeting affiliated
Programmed or semi-programmed and unprogrammed, worship traditions
101 Quaker Hill Dr.
Richmond, Ind. 47374