Strategic Goal #4: Caring for Our People

Increase student and employee belonging and satisfaction

John 15:12 NLT

"This is my commandment: Love each other in the same way I have loved you."

Success Measures:

These success measures target student and employee satisfaction and belonging in different ways at different points in time. 

  • Student satisfaction will be measured using two objective measures that are significantly impacted by satisfaction and belonging: program completion and alumni giving. (Note: the Forbes Grateful Graduates Index has generated a national focus on alumni giving as a key measure of student satisfaction.)
  • Employee satisfaction will be measured using key results from the ModernThink Higher Education Insight Survey from the Great Colleges to Work For program.

Success Outcomes: 

  1. Pendle Hill Pathway U scores for Seeking Purpose, Presence of Purpose, and Living Purpose reflect growth from first year and match/supersede CCCU institution scores.
  2. Achieve post-graduation outcomes alumni/ae survey scores being “satisfied” or “very satisfied” related to the Malone experience regarding career preparation (85%), spiritual growth (85%), intellectual experience (90%), and the overall Malone experience (90%).
  3. Maintain scores of Very Good to Excellent in all categories of the ModernThink Higher Education Insight annual survey.
  4. Increase four-year graduation rate to 55%.
  5. Create a document outlining a biblical and theological framework for working toward a campus community that reflects Revelation 7:9. 
  6. At each NSSE administration, meet or exceed CCCU senior average responses in the percentage rating 1) overall experience as “excellent” or “good” and 2) would “definitely” or “probably” attend institution again.
  7. At each SSI administration, achieve student centeredness responsiveness scores for Sense of Belonging, Administrator Approachability, and Campus Experience to match/exceed CCCU average.