Student Loan Deferment
Malone University participates in the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC). Each month we submit a report of our students' enrollment statuses to the NSC, whom, in turn, supplies verification of enrollment to lending agencies.
Only certain lenders and loan servicing organizations participate in the paperless deferment process. With this, no paper forms need to be completed by the student nor the school. Instead, students should call their servicer to request a deferment and ask that they verify against the NSC's electronic data to verify in-school status.
The NSC requests that if a student receives a collection letter, he or she should please do the following:
- Call your lending agency to see if deferment confirmation of status has been received from the NSC yet.
- If no, call the NSC at 703-742-7791 and speak to a student service representative to have your enrollment status certified and mailed to your lender.
- If an emergency exists (i.e. being threatened with default), the NSC will intervene by faxing another enrollment certification to your servicer.
- If your lender does not participate in our process, please ask that they send you a form and bring the form to our office to verify enrollment status.