Find your purposeful and meaningful life as an advocate for global perspectives and an appreciation for diversity
Through pursuing this unique secondary major, you will complement your primary major by becoming a person who appreciates the value that diversity adds to our organizations, communities, and the world. Experience diversity through experiential learning opportunities, service projects, and deeply impactful cross-cultural trips. Enhance your vocation in business, ministry, missions, politics, social work, teaching, and others with the knowledge and experience that allows you to advocate for the value of cultural difference.
Program Distinctives
- Develop your ability to understand other cultures through studying a foreign language and/or living globally for a semester.
- Gain a fuller appreciation for cultural differences in a program that emphasizes social justice and reconciliation.
- Discover a global perspective of politics with appreciation for the interconnectedness of cultural, political, economic, and legal systems.
View course curriculum
The Global & International Studies major curriculum (courses and course listings) is available in the official Academic Catalog.
Once in the catalog, you can use the buttons (pictured left) located at the upper right of the page to plan your courses, save courses to your own personalized catalog, print, and more!
Global & International Studies minor
Students who are majoring in another program may choose to take a Global & International Studies minor in addition to their primary course of study.

“I am so passionate about learning about other nations, cultures, ethnicities, and diverse backgrounds. I love to be challenged in the way I think, and am energized by learning about the differences and unique stories God has created in the world. I'm excited to use the skills from this program to enhance my life and understanding of people and the world as a future social worker, but more importantly as a Kingdom builder.”