The Honors Theses Vault
Past Honors students have stretched their knowledge, sharpened their skills, and shed new light on challenging questions. What will you explore?
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2023 Honors Theses
- An Exploratory Sociological Analysis of Patriarchal Colonization Upon the Haudenosaunee Culture in the Colonial Era Author Info by Iszabella Staley
- Single in Community: A Vision for Non-Married Women in the Evangelical Church by Mackenzie Bozman
- Correlation of Grip Strength and Spin Rate as it Relates to Fastball Pitches for Adolescent Athletes by William Rouse
- The Holy War: The History, Hype, Impact, and Legacy of the St. Edward – Saint Ignatius High School Football Rivalry by Katherine J. Daugherty
The Effects of Polyethylene Microplastics on Dragonfly Nymphs by Anna Gregg