In 2014, Malone was ranked 48th in the nation in career outcomes by Educate to Career.
Over the past four years, 90-95% of our graduates consider themselves "satisfactorily occupied" through full-time employment or enrollment in a graduate program.
A few of our 2018 graduates shared their post-Commencement plans with us:

“I got my real-world experience because of Malone. I received my first full-time job before graduation because of Malone. I owe my ability to have a better understanding of myself, my career, and the world to the communication arts department, and I owe the positive outlook of my future to Malone.”
Our alumni have achieved success in every field and hold exciting careers:
- Software engineer at Microsoft
- Sports writer for the Canton Repository
- M.Div. students at Yale and Duke Universities
- Zookeepers at the Nashville Zoo and the Erie Zoo
- President and founder of MedSource
- Pastor and Vision Leader at RiverTree Christian Church
Executive at Atlantic Records- Peace
corps worker in Morocco - State Representative, Ohio
- English teacher in South Korea
- Graduate student at Harvard Law School
- United States Ambassador