Alumni News and Awards
View and submit your own! Birth announcements, wedding announcements, news from your classmates. Submit a nomination for the Alumni Awards and view a list of previous winners.
Due to inclement weather, Malone University will move to remote instruction and remote operations for Tuesday, January 21st and Wednesday, January 22nd. Students and employees should check their Malone email for further instructions and details.
Malone alumni know that their relationships with the University, and with each other, don't end at graduation.
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Alumni have proven generous with their time and advice to students and fellow graduates. Through lifelong learning and vocation development, the relationships formed at Malone change lives both on campus and in communities everywhere. Tapping into the potential of this network is a powerful way to bring your vocation to life.
When you graduate with a Malone degree or complete at least 30 credits, you are officially a member of the Alumni Association. It’s free and an automatic part of your lifelong relationship with Malone. As a member, the university and alumni volunteers will work hard to keep you in touch with your inner Pioneer through trips, events, affinity connections and helpful vocation resources.
The Office of Alumni Relations and the Alumni Association provide many opportunities throughout the year for Malone Alumni to be connected - especially at Homecoming. There are also opportunities to serve through leadership boards and by volunteering at events.
Forge professional connections with other alumni, connect a prospective student to our admissions team, and learn more about what Malone has to offer.
View and submit your own! Birth announcements, wedding announcements, news from your classmates. Submit a nomination for the Alumni Awards and view a list of previous winners.
Take advantage of benefits like job search and vocation development tools, alumni events and travel opportunities, help connecting with alumni in your area or career field, and use of Malone’s Cattell Library and Wellness Center.
Make a donation online to support Malone University. Every gift makes a positive difference!
Don’t miss out on the excitement! We have events and trips scheduled throughout the year!
The Alumni Association is a network of former Pioneers driven by volunteers. Three leadership teams including the Alumni Executive Board, Young Alumni Community, and Multicultural Alumni Association help to plan and execute programming for all alumni. Explore ways for you to be involved!
Stay connected to your alma mater and your classmates by updating your personal profile.