Thine is the kingdom

We can ask all of these things of God because nothing is too much for Him. He has promised that He is for us, His children. And His promises are guaranteed. When we say, “Amen,” we really are saying, “You will do what You have promised. I believe it.” 

Using the art materials here and your creativity, express yourself to God.  This is your chance to express what He has laid on your heart, and an opportunity for you to communicate your faith and trust in that what He has promised will come true. (This will be a communal art experience, sharing the poster boards laid out on the stage.  These will be displayed in the Office of Spiritual Formation after today.)

As you pray… 

+    Have confidence, not in yourself, but in God and His promises.
+    Say, “Amen,” with a heart that trusts in God.
+    Be refreshed and renewed, having spent time in the presence of a loving and Holy God.

Reflect + Respond 

  1. Why do we end the Lord’s Prayer with the word “Amen” (which means, “Yes, let it be so!”)?
  2. How do you know God is able to answer the prayers of His people? (Psalm 113:4-5, Ephesians 3:20-21, James 1:17)