Discipleship Assistant Job Descriptions
Discipleship Assistant
Discipleship Assistant (D.A.)
Leadership and Discipleship Coordinator, OSF
This is a volunteer position. Though a budget will be given for programming and mentor expenses.
4 hours a week (may vary based on programing that week)
- Maintain a 2.5 cumulative GPA.
- Abides by the Malone Community Agreement
A Discipleship Assistant is a peer leader at Malone University that strives to maintain and develop Christian community in the Residence Halls through relational ministry and programing with a spiritual emphasis. This job involves leading residence hall Life Group, meeting with the Leadership and Discipleship Coordinator (OSF) and other DAs, and intentionally mentoring peers to develop a deeper Christian faith through relational ministry.
- This position will work as an extension of the Office of Spiritual Formation to promote Christian community and the spiritual development of Malone students.
- Community Development
- Create a relationship with RD and RAs to understand the culture of the building to create applicable and beneficial programing in the residence hall
- Assist in creating Christian community in the residence hall or with commuter population through programing and being available and visible in your residence hall
- Participate in Welcome Week programming as assigned as a Welcome Week Volunteer
Programing Responsibilities
- Lead a Life Group each semester in the residence hall or with the commuter population. This includes submitting curriculum to the Leadership and Discipleship coordinator at the beginning of each semester
- Create and execute one program a semester that promotes spiritual growth of individuals in residence hall (not SFO credit)
Peer Leadership
- Be aware of campus resources and refer students to appropriate resources as needed
- Be intentional with learning names and reaching out to students in the building to discuss faith and life as a form of relational ministry
- Encourage students to join you or attend other SFOs based on their interests and desire to grow spiritually
- Follow Malone’s Community Agreement and be an example for peers
Administrative Responsibilities
- Complete administrative tasks for Life Group such as attendance, sending in curriculum and completing weekly Life Group form
- Perform related duties as assigned by Leadership and Discipleship Coordinator
Maintain the budget that is given for programming and mentorship
- Spring DA Orientation *Fall Training (Welcome Week Volunteer)
- Monthly DA Meeting (2 hours) *One on ones with Leadership and Discipleship Coordinator