Ann Lawson, Assistant Professor of Business

How long have you been at Malone University?

18 years.

What attracted you to work at Malone?

I am a graduate of a small, Christian, liberal arts college I and wanted to teach in the same type of environment.

What do you enjoy most about your job responsibilities?

I love building relationships with students and keeping in touch with them after graduation. It is a joy and privilege to see their lives unfold.

How do you answer when asked to describe Malone’s brand of education?

Malone is a welcoming and safe place for students to ask tough questions, to grow intellectually and spiritually, and to learn how to best serve others.

How would you describe Malone students?

Thoughtful, kind-hearted, and collaborative.

How has working at Malone shaped your individual faith journey?

I’ve lost count of the number of students who have inspired, challenged, and taught me what it means to seek Christ’s kingdom.

Describe your colleagues and their commitment to Malone?

Generous, altruistic, and mindful.

Tell us something people might be surprised to learn about you.

I’ve been learning the Scots Gaelic (Gàidhlig) language for a year now. I discovered through genealogy research and DNA that who my family always thought was an Irish ancestor was actually Scot and that spurred my interest. Only 1% of Scotland’s population speak the language and it is listed on Unesco’s list of “imperiled languages” so I feel like I’m doing something meaningful by learning it. I’m motivated by something renowned scholar and literature professor, George Steiner, wrote: “When a language dies, a way of understanding the world dies with it.”