Brenda Bowe, Accounts Payable Coordinator

How long have you been at Malone University?

26 years this month! (April 1995)

What attracted you to work at Malone?

I was working at a bank and was approached by our controller at that time. It sounded like a great place to work!

What do you enjoy most about your job responsibilities?

The best part of accounts payable is when I get to issue refund checks. It makes students happy!

How do you answer when asked to describe Malone’s brand of education?

Very personal. Students aren’t a number here like they are at many universities and colleges.

How would you describe Malone students?

Our students choose Malone for a reason, whether it’s to attend a Christian university, for our academic rigor, or our community. I am encouraged that they want this learning atmosphere. 

How has working at Malone shaped your individual faith journey?

Coming to a Christian work environment was the best choice I ever made! I’ve grown and matured in my faith by sharing it over the last 26 years. 

Describe your colleagues and their commitment to Malone?

My colleagues genuinely enjoy being here and working together. It makes a big difference in attitude and work relationships. 

What’s your dream travel destination and why?

Someday, I’d like to visit and stay with my cousins in Sicily.