Stephanie Merchant, Leadership and Discipleship Coordinator

How long have you been at Malone University?

Fall of 2020.

What attracted you to work at Malone?

I love that Malone is committed to caring about students as whole people, not just to their academic development. Growing in God as a whole person (mind, body, and soul) is my goal, and I was encouraged that Malone values that, also.

What do you enjoy most about your job responsibilities?

I enjoy creating spaces where students, no matter their religious background, have opportunities to grow in their faith.

How do you answer when asked to describe Malone’s brand of education?

Intentional. Here, students are not just a number or a random name, but whole people who are cared for and supported in so many different ways.

How would you describe Malone students?

Determined. They are committed to their education and growth, which takes grit.

How has working at Malone shaped your individual faith journey?

My faith has grown deeper while at Malone because so many different denominations are represented. My involvement in the Office of Spiritual Formation helps me to think critically about why I believe as I do.

Describe your colleagues and their commitment to Malone?

My colleagues are committed to the overall well-being of students. It’s encouraging to watch them adapt in this interesting season to care for our students, no matter what.

Where were you born and how is that reflected in your personality?

I grew up in Randolph, Ohio. I think it shaped me to see the value of being invested in your community and what it means to be a good neighbor.