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Faith At Malone

Seeking wisdom, modeling respect, balancing justice and mercy


When Kristen Heffron Moore ’04 visited Malone from out of state on an unseasonably balmy 70 degree evening in February, the sounds of praise and worship music from Celebration drifted through the air on campus. She felt at home.

Organic farm hosts unique venture


In the heart of rural Dalton, Ohio is Venture Heritage Farm, a 112-acre organic operation managed by Malone alumnus Jonathan Detweiler ‘12.

Faith At Malone

A ministry of hope


Jordan (Davis) Raffin '18 grew up as the beloved daughter of a youth pastor, and the only sister to three brothers. Men who love her and protected her. Now, it is Raffin's vocation to nurture and protect girls who did not have what she did growing up, girls who have known mostly pain and abuse.