Jammin' in Your Jammies: Friday, November 16 with Chip & the Munks

File Under: Community

November 16 6:30-8 p.m. Proceeds benefit Children's Network of Stark County Child Advocacy Center

Malone University's Rho Tau Chapter of Kappa Delta Pi, the international education honor society, will host recording artist Chip (Richter) and the Munks for Jammin' in Your Jammies, Friday, November 16, from 6:30-8 p.m. in the Stewart Room of the Randall Campus Center on Malone's campus at 2600 Cleveland Avenue. 

The family concert will end with milk and cookies. Children are encouraged to attend in their pajamas. Tickets –available now- are $5 per person, or $25 maximum per family. Church groups pay as a family at $25 per 5 people. Each child will receive special gifts to take home! 100 percent of the profits purchase pajamas for children served by the Children's Network of Stark County Child Advocacy Center.