Malone is named a “2023 Great College to Work For”
Malone University is one of the best colleges to work for in the nation according to the Great Colleges to Work For® program, putting Malone in elite company.

The results, released today, are based on a survey of 194 colleges and universities. In all, 72 of those institutions achieved “Great College to Work For” recognition for specific best practices and policies. Results are reported for small, medium, and large institutions, with Malone included among the small universities.
Malone University won honors in four (4) categories this year:
Supervisor/Department Chair Effectiveness-- It is widely regarded that the experience of one’s immediate supervisor is among the most important factors influencing whether an employee is truly engaged. This recognition category is based on the survey items providing insight into critical managerial competencies such as providing clear direction and constructive feedback and ensuring effective communication and equitable treatment.
Confidence in Senior Leadership-- This recognition category is based on the expressed confidence faculty and staff report in the capabilities and credibility of senior leadership. In the Great Colleges to Work For program, “senior leadership” is defined as the most senior members of the institution (e.g., Malone’s presidential cabinet).
Shared Governance-- The concept of shared governance is one of the most widely valued and deeply respected traditions within higher education. For many faculty, it is a core part of their experience. Consequently, this recognition category is based on Faculty responses to the survey items on collaborative governance processes and decision-making. We also include the responses of Adjunct Faculty respondents from two-year institutions.
Faculty Experience-- Faculty have a unique role in the life of a university and there are some elements of their specific employment experience – the support for advancement and promotion opportunities and the perceived balance of teaching, service, and research, for example – that are uniquely viewed through the faculty lens. This recognition category is based on the faculty responses to the survey items addressing these topics.
“While receiving this affirmation of Malone is both exciting and deeply satisfying, our chief goal is not the recognition – it’s seeing the many ways that our faculty and staff members demonstrate servant leadership to our students every day,” said Greg Miller, president. “As we disciple our students toward Christ, the fruits of that labor have an awesome ripple effect. We are a relational community rooted in Jesus and it shows!”
The survey results are based on a two-part assessment process: an institution questionnaire that captures employment data and workplace policies from each institution, and a survey administered to faculty, administrators, and professional support staff. The primary factor in deciding whether an institution received recognition was the employee feedback. The Great Colleges to Work For® program is one of the largest and most respected workplace recognition programs in the country.
For more information and to view all current and previously recognized institutions, visit the Great Colleges program website at and ModernThink, a strategic human capital consulting firm, administered the survey and analyzed the results.