Malone University BSN program ranked in top 15 has released a list of the top 15 Bachelor of Science in Nursing programs in the Midwest, and Malone University is ranked number 12.

One of four undergraduate nursing programs in Ohio to receive placement on this list, Malone’s bachelor of science in nursing welcomes students into a caring and supportive learning community which is founded on Christian principles and academic excellence.
When considering the total of 660 schools offering BSN programs in the Midwest, produced their ranking through consideration of four factors: NCLEX-RN pass rates, the academic quality of the program, the reputation of the school’s nursing program, and the overall affordability of the program.
The acceptance of deserving students, rigorous coursework, financial support, and holistic curriculum present in Malone’s BSN program were highlighted as reasons for Malone’s high ranking.
“I firmly believe that such recognition is a reflection of the commitment to Malone’s mission that each individual in our department brings to every aspect of their good work on a daily basis,” said Deb Lee, Chair of Nursing.
The full list of schools and more information about the ranking can be found online.
More information about Malone’s BSN can be found at