Malone University hosts Sustainability Week

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Malone University’s first-ever Sustainability Week will take place during the week of March 31. All events are free and open to the public.

Malone University’s commitment to sustainability is deeply rooted in Christian faith. Inside and outside the classroom, the Malone community approaches creation care not only as an environmental responsibility but also as an expression of faith and institutional mission. Through education, advocacy, and sustainable practices, Malone seeks to embody faithful stewardship of the Earth, recognizing that creation reflects the gratuitousness of God’s love and the invitation to love just the same. 

“Advocacy has always been part of my calling—whether for people, animals, or creation. At times, I have struggled to understand why my Christian peers seemed disinterested in protecting God’s creation, a gift entrusted to us by our loving Savior,” said Rebecca Eagle-Malone, assistant professor of biology. “But in my career, I’ve met countless believers who share this calling by working to protect wildlife and wild spaces. The dedication of these individuals has strengthened me, reminding me that we are not alone in this mission. The events of Sustainability Week are one way we seek to learn, connect, and take action together for the planet.”

Rooted in the peacemaking and equity-centered Quaker tradition, these words of its founder, George Fox, inspire Malone’s collective commitment to learn and lead sustainability efforts alongside our neighbors: 
“Keep in the wisdom of God that spreads over all the earth, the wisdom of the creation, that is pure. Live in it; that is the word of the Lord God to you all, do not abuse it…” (1657-1659).

"In 1970, Malone celebrated the first ever observation of Earth Day in the United States where students across the country engaged in activities that opposed environmental degradation,” said Bryson Davis, assistant professor of sociology. “Today, we continue to be committed to our call to environmental care and sustainability in our efforts to put Christ's Kingdom First. Sustainability Week is a celebration of our natural environment and an invitation for the Malone, Canton, and Stark County communities to enhance our individual and collective efforts toward cultivating flourishing for people and the planet."

The week’s events are being planned by the University’s Sustainability Committee, made up of faculty and staff members, as well as current students. 

“When I was growing up, we didn’t talk much about how science and nature correspond with Scripture, so I never had the opportunity to consider advocating for the planet,” said Mattie Huber ’26, an honors student studying Worship Arts. “Coming to Malone and learning about Creation Care has helped me to understand that science and nature do tie into Scripture. I’ve dedicated my honors thesis to explaining why humanity feels connected to nature, which I argue is a function of God’s creative design.”

Sustainability Week events include: 

Be:Justice Creation Care
Monday, March 31 at 6 p.m. in the Stewart Room of the Randall Campus Center (The Barn)
Presenter: Brian Webb, the Director of Sustainability at the College of Wooster

A special edition Spiritual Formation Opportunity (SFO), event explores the theological foundations and invitation to creation care as a central component of Christian discipleship, as well as practical ways to engage the work of Christian creation care.

Community Worship
Wednesday, April 2 at 10 a.m. in the Worship Center of the Johnson Center for Worship and the Fine Arts
Presenter: Jenney Rice of Vineyard Columbus and The Evangelical Environmental Network (EEN)

2nd Annual Sustainability Fest: An Arbor Day Celebration
Saturday, April 5 from 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. on the track at Hazen Field

The second annual Sustainability Festival is a day dedicated to celebrating sustainability and environmental stewardship in Stark County! Family-friendly activities include sustainable vendors, live music, food trucks, bounce houses, and more.