Malone University launches Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing

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Malone University officials today announced an accelerated track for the Institution’s respected Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program.

Designed to address the workforce needs of the post-pandemic nursing field, this track is especially suited for transfer students, those with College Credit Plus (CCP) credits, or those for whom this would be a second degree. The inclusion of summer nursing courses – new to Malone with this track – will make it possible for students to complete the degree within five semesters. 

“The curriculum for our accelerated track is the same as our traditional track, so a student can speed up or slow down their progress as suits their season of life or their career goals,” said Carrie Stroup, DNP, dean of the division of natural and health sciences at Malone. “Other institutions have an entirely different curriculum for their accelerated track, so if students change their pace of study, it can quickly derail their progress.  Our program doesn’t have the cohort model, so students can shift from one track to another seamlessly.”

Malone faculty members serve as advisers so that students can stay on track with their goals and are prepared to succeed on the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN) upon graduation.

“It’s critical to us that students on the accelerated track receive the same quality education that our traditional nursing students receive,” said Stroup. “Since our BSN offers direct entry, early access to clinical experiences, and faith integration throughout the curriculum – all hallmarks of Malone’s nursing degree – it is our intention that accelerated students can benefit in the same ways.”

Malone University understands the value in offering a variety of pathways to completing a degree in part because their faculty have experienced the benefits themselves. 

“After I completed my Master of Arts degree in history, I decided to stay home full time with my young sons,” said Jessica Swartz, assistant professor of nursing. “When I was ready to return to the workforce, I decided to change career paths and go into nursing. The accelerated program at a regional state university gave me the opportunity to finish a BSN degree at an accelerated pace so that I could enter the nursing profession sooner than the traditional route. My previous degrees laid the foundation for my nursing degree so I was able to solely focus on the nursing courses I needed to take.”

Malone’s program stands out in the region for reasons beyond faith integration and curricular excellence. 

“What I especially value about our program is the size,” said Swartz. “When compared to bigger universities, our smaller student-to-instructor ratio organically provides more support for student success and growth. I did not experience that at the state university, so it frames how I interact with the students in my classes here at Malone.”

Malone University nursing graduates routinely pass the NCLEX at a rate of 100% on their first attempt, most recently in 2024. To read more about the success of our nursing program, visit

To learn more about Malone’s accelerated BSN track, visit