Ministering at Malone and in Matthews

Over the summer, Audra Edwards ‘20 interned at Elevation Church in Matthews, North Carolina. A Bible and Theology major and a passionate photographer and filmmaker, Edwards worked on the Worship Experience Film Team and learned the many sides of project management.
“I stumbled upon the church’s website and applied for the program online. After completing the application process, I received an email letting me know I was accepted as an intern for the summer,” she said. “Once I was there, I brainstormed project direction, scouted locations, collaborated with wardrobe, styling, and set design, budgeted, and collected the occasional behind-the-scenes footage.”
Edwards was prepared for her multifaceted internship at Elevation Church (a megachurch with around 26,000 attendees) because of the involvement she’s had on Malone’s campus, even though there is a size difference between the two institutions.
“The community I have experienced at Malone as a student and resident assistant allowed me to jump right in with the other 39 individuals on our intern team,” she said. “I was excited to experience this opportunity because I had already witnessed the beautiful fruit that comes from living in community.”
Also involved at Malone as one of the Celebration speakers (a student-led spiritual formation opportunity), Edwards’ experiences have helped her realize the passion she has for ministering to others.
“Even though ministry is not just limited to preaching or working at a church, I have enjoyed seeing the ways in which my campus ministry has impacted the lives of the students at Malone outside the classroom,” she explained.
When she reflects on her summer, Edwards is grateful for all that she learned and gained.
“The most fulfilling part of my internship was knowing that God broke me down so He could rebuild me and make me stronger,” she said. “Even though I had the time of my life, it was hard. But I was able to overcome with the help of the Holy Spirit and my fellow interns that I now call family. Not only did I gain an awesome experience, but God blessed me with 39 best friends that I have been praying for my whole life. It’s awesome. And God has been faithful.”