Service at Malone

The Malone community is full of service leadership in action.

From a student’s first week on campus, with our Into the Streets initiative, and throughout their Malone education as part of our Pendle Hill Pledge program, our students, faculty, and staff serve the greater community alongside one another.

It’s just one way that we tangibly demonstrate Christ’s Kingdom First.

When asked “how did you see God working during your time of service,” students replied:

“Many people seemed to be extremely thankful! It was nice to serve people who were clearly under the poverty line and to show them that they matter.”

“He showed me how valuable our youth are. How important it is to care for those younger than us.”

“I felt that God was calling me to give back. I felt that he was telling me to get rid of the things I don't need in order to help those less fortunate.”

“I learned in my theology class that ‘shalom’ can only be said when you're actually finding a way to bring someone peace, and I felt like I was bringing peace to those we served and put smiles on their faces.”

“I feel like I learned more from the kids than they did me. A lot of their explanations on what being thankful means stood out to me and showed me childlike innocence. I was able to see that God can use children to teach us things.”

“Work in and of itself is a form of worship, even when we don’t necessarily want to be doing it.”

“It was exciting to see the little children so excited about God's creation, and his animals, and to educate them on how to take care of and protect their natural habitats.”

When asked “What is something you learned about yourself during your time of service,” students replied:

“Be thankful for what I have and try to not judge others when I don’t know their circumstances.”

“I learned more about how much I want to serve in my life, when I’m no longer a student.”

“I re-learned that I really enjoy working with children and that it feels so good to watch them grow and play.”

“I learned that I have too many things. This helped me see that I can downsize my items often in order to help someone else.”

“I learned to have patience with my peers as we were all rushing around getting things done. I also learned the value of proper communication and team work.”

“I learned that art can be used to express God's love and promote love for others.”

“I can easily have fun while doing service/work.”

“How much I love helping people on a one-on-one level-- it's making me even more secure in my career path toward being a psychologist!”

“I learned that I am a bit shy when it comes to interacting with people I don’t know. I think it’s good for me to be stretched sometimes in this area of discomfort.”

“That I work well with underclassmen and enjoy finding ways to boost their confidence.”

“I've been stressed with school and soccer. It was a joy for me to see that offering even a little bit of my time to others from my tight schedule could take such a burden off of them. I think that sometimes service feels like it has to be a forced thing or formally scheduled event. Both of my acts of service were spontaneous decisions, which was different than my other hours of service so far this semester, and I thoroughly enjoyed them.”

Report your service activity here

Faculty and staff: have you guided Malone students through service experiences on campus or off-site? If so, please complete this form to include your results in our dashboard.

Partner with Malone

Would you like to partner with Malone? Complete this form to request student volunteers for service to your organization.