Clubs & Organizations

Find your niche with one of the many student organizations at Malone University

A myriad of student organizations exist to provide students with an opportunity to engage their passions, interests, hobbies as well as their intellectual curiosity! The organizations range from academic, social, and societal interests. It's a great way to connect with others who have a mutual interest.

Organization Adviser Contact Info
Alpha-Pi-Chi (History Honors) Jacci Stuckey 330-471-8188
Campus Activities Board (CAB) Sarah Eberlin


Catholic Student Ministry (CSM) Noah Ancil


Chamber Choir Russ Gartner 330-471-8476
Chi Sigma Iota
*Graduate Counseling Students only
Kara Kaelber


Chorale Russ Gartner 330-471-8476
Commuters Melody Scott 330-471-8273
Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Jen Webb 330-471-8350
Dead Presidents Society / History & Social Sciences

David Beer 


International Relations Club Scott Waalkes 330-471-8396
Intramurals Bill Eddins 330-471-8376
Jazz Ensemble Derrick Maxey 330-471-8219
Kappa Delta Pi (Education Honor Society)

Brandi Noll


Malone International Student Association Andrea Ramsey 330-471-8328

Malone Sustainability

Bryson Davis 330-471-8594
Multicultural Student Union (MSU) Andrea Ramsey 330-471-8328
Nurses Christian Fellowship (NCF) Jessica Swartz 330-471-8366
Nurses Student Association (MNSA) Jennifer Hallock 330-471-8108
Ohio Music Educators Association (OCMEA)

Russ Gartner


One Voice Gospel Choir Andrea Ramsey 330-471-8328
Outdoor Club Tony Schnyders 330-471-8272
Phi Alpha (Social Work Honor Society) Andy Reynolds


Pre-Professional Club Kate Huisinga  330-471-8178
Psychology Club Lauren Seifert 330-471-8558
Sigma Zeta (Science & Math Honor Society) Jason Courter 330-471-8290
Social Work Club Bekka Russell 330-471-8180
Spiritual Life Committee (SLC) Linda Leon 330-471-8442
Sports Management Association Mark Bankert 330-471-8293

Student Management Investment Fund (SMIF)

Chuck Hoover


Student Senate

Tony Schnyders


Symphonic Band Derrick Maxey 330-471-8659
Wellness Council Joyce Byler 330-471-8486
Worldview Forum Council David Beer  330-471-8625
 Writers Guild Hannah Kroonblawd 330-471-8312
Zoological Organization of Malone (ZOOM) Rebecca Eagle-Malone 330-471-8170