Traditions are often what make a college experience memorable.
Some Malone traditions have been around for decades - Chaos Day, Airband, Christmas Dinner, the Davenport Derby. Others, such as RezHallPalooza or Alternative Gift Market have been established in more recent years.
Whether you create your own casual traditions or participate in one that has been around for generations, we hope that you will enjoy making it your own.
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Just a few of our many traditions...

Chaos Day is an event hosted by Student Senate each fall when students return to campus and includes a slip & slide down everyone's favorite sledding hill.

Student Senate during their annual training.

Rezhallapalooza is an event that also occurs a couple times a year, typically the first weekend students return and the night of the Christmas Dinner. Students visit each residence hall for treats and fellowship.

A Homecoming court proudly takes the field each Fall.

Students carve pumpkins each fall... anyone recognize this logo?

Blossom Hall's Thanksgiving Dinner is a meaningful tradition in which residents invite a VIP in their life to share a Thanksgiving meal.

First warm day of winter (it's Ohio, it happens) or spring, you will find students grabbing blankets to study outside.

As any returning student will tell you, the Christmas Dinner is NOT to be missed! After a fabulous meal, there are lots of fun activities, including Malone's night at the movies.

Resident Assistants (RAs) plan floor activities each semester to be enjoyed by their fellow classmates.

Stressed about finals? You'll find these anxiety-chasing sheets of stress relief in a newsstand nearby.

Each spring, an outstanding senior student in each major is honored for excellence.

Each summer (and sometimes spring break or Christmas break), students set off for destinations across the globe to participate in a service learning trip. Learn more here.