Due to inclement weather, Malone University will move to remote instruction and remote operations for Tuesday, January 21st and Wednesday, January 22nd. Students and employees should check their Malone email for further instructions and details.
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Consistent enforcement of campus parking policies and regulations contributes toward a fair system for all members of the Malone Community. Parking citations hold those who do not comply with parking regulations accountable. Campus Safety must receive a written dispute form within 48 hours of receiving a citation. Unless there are special circumstances, a dispute submitted after the 48 hour time period will not be reviewed, and the citation will not be waived. Please note that disputes are generally considered inappropriate when submitted for the following reasons (not all inclusive): Parked in a fire lane, or other restricted space, for only a few minutes. Parked in a fire lane, with emergency flashers operating. Inclement weather. Late for class, work or meeting. Preferred lot is full. Another student, faculty member, or staff member indicated that parking is permitted at a particular location. Unaware of requirement to register vehicle on MaloneXpress. Unaware of allowable parking lots or allowable parking methods. Previous observation of inappropriately parked vehicles in the same lot or method.
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