Reporting a Missing Student
It is the policy of Malone University to conduct an investigation with any report of a missing student enrolled at Malone. Missing persons should be reported for several reasons, such as students who are absent under suspicious circumstances that would lead others to feel concerned for their safety. A student is considered missing if a classmate, faculty or staff member has not seen or heard from the student in a reasonable amount of time. Generally speaking, a reasonable amount of time would be over 24 hours. This could change due to the time of day or information given about the student’s normal schedule or habits.
If you feel a student is missing, please contact a Resident Director or Campus Safety. Immediate efforts will be made to determine the student’s well-being; this includes, but is not limited to, checking their room, calling their available phone numbers, reviewing class attendance, and ID card access history. The Campus Safety office will contact local law enforcement (Canton City Police Department) as well as other outside law enforcement agencies if needed to advise them of the situation.