Gavin Johnson, Pastoral Ministry and Bible/Theology

An enthusiastic student of the Bible, Gavin Johnson '22 chose to enroll at Malone to study Bible and theology as well as pastoral ministry. He was also thrilled that Malone was in his backyard and he could commute to campus while remaining in close vicinity to his family.

“Studying Bible and theology has been one of the highlights of my education,” Johnson said. “I looked forward to it while I was in highschool and I have learned so much about God at Malone, which, in turn, showed who I am as His child. I have appreciated the ways my professors have shaped their curriculums to show us diverse perspectives in theology. Books, topics of discussion, and homework assignments are catered to emphasize learning so we do not just regurgitate information but have a meaningful interaction with the material. Each professor in our department has had a positive impact on my life.”

Johnson has built a community amongst Malone's commuter students and resident students alike.

“The commuter community at Malone is present more so than many people might realize,” he said. “Most of my classes were filled with about 50% commuter students. I’ve experienced that residential students and commuters form close relationships and where we hang our hats at night doesn’t limit our connections with one another. I credit that to the type of students who attend Malone as well as to our small classes rather than just large lecture presentations. Students are encouraged to offer feedback and discuss together, which makes our learning so much richer.”

Johnson wants to be a life-long learner who uses his knowledge to support others emotionally and spiritually.

“My Malone professors have inspired me to love learning and consider advanced education. I hope to start working on a Masters in Chaplaincy after I graduate while working to save up for seminary," he said. "Eventually, I'd like to earn a Ph.D. and research hospice chaplaincy later in life. It's an unspoken and under-recognized field and I want to help others understand how it serves people who are preparing for what comes after this life."