Holly Groff '21, Business Administration and Sport Management

Faith became important to Holly Groff ‘21 after she suffered a season-ending basketball injury two years ago that has since caused her to approach the game differently. During her recovery, she took time to reflect on her life and realized that she wants to make God her central priority-- so much so that she wants to integrate her faith into her future career. After weighing several career choices, she decided to double major in Business Administration and Sports Management and is already working to complete her Master’s in Business Administration (MBA).

When Groff first stepped foot on campus, she sensed that Malone had a positive environment to offer. Her friends and professors made her feel welcome and showed their care for her through simple kindness and encouragement. She appreciated the one-on-one mentorship and wisdom that Tanya Hershberger, volunteer in the Office of Spiritual Formation, gave her.

“I love Tanya’s heart and how she cares for her students,” she said. “She taught me that I should always have an open heart and be kind to others. It’s important to do that because you never know what somebody is going through.”

Since Groff wants to minister to others with her business degree, she decided that she would like to someday own a gym where she can share the Gospel. In her ministry gym, she wants to display graphics of Bible verses on the wall and invite gym members to join her in devotions.

“I want to have a successful business where I can support my future family and create a space for clients to feel comfortable,” she said. “Most importantly, I want to encourage others like I have been encouraged and serve God in the best ways that I can.”

Groff plays on the Malone women’s basketball team, and is a well-known presence among her teammates. Basketball allowed her to find a social niche that fit her personality and she's learned to balance her participation in NCAA DII sports with Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) and an internship at Third Street Church where she helped manage the men’s basketball league and led devotions during half time.

“My internship provided me with a great experience, and I learned so much from it,” she said. “I enhanced my organizational skills and leadership skills. If I want to own my own gym, these skills will help me to be successful. Also, it was fun to be around many different people when I refereed basketball games-- an experience that showed me how to engage people with different personalities.”

Do you know a current Malone student who is maximizing their academic potential through hands-on learning opportunities like internships or service to the greater community? Recommend them to be featured in our Student Profiles story series!